So you just got your camera and all the dials are intimidating right? Lots of menus, shooting modes. Coming to you is this video where we tackle the EXPOSURE TRIANGLE – ISO/SHUTTER SPEED/ APERTURE.
Exposure triangle is the relationship of the three. If you adjust one element you need to adjust the two – basically it works together to get a properly exposed images (and video too!).
1. ISO
Let’s say ISO is like an artificial light. Its the sensitivity of the sensor to light. The higher the ISO the brighter the image but it will gain noise/grain. And the lower the ISO the cleaner the picture but it will be dark. So find the good balance ISO that you camera can handle.
2. Shutter Speed
This is how fast the mirror closes. The faster it closes (high shutter speed) the higher chance you can freeze an action. While a low shutter can speed can introduce a blurry picture.

3. Aperture
It is the opening of your lens classified as “f numbers” like f1.2/f1.8/f3.5.. and so on. It determines how much is in focused in the picture. The higher the fstop like f4-f22 the smaller the opening in the lens thus accepting a small amount of light – and almost the whole photo will be in focus.
The lower the fstop like f2.8/f1.8/f1.4 and lower the larger the opening in the lens and will allow more light and making the subject separate from its background.

You just need to understand how they function individually so you can learn what to adjust in different scenarions. So what are you waiting for, try it! Go get some cool photos.